Σπύρος Πολυκαλάς
Ιδιότητα: | Καθηγητής |
Email: | s.polykalas@ionio.gr |
Ο Σπύρος Πολυκαλάς είναι Καθηγητής του Τμήματος Ψηφιακών Μέσων και Επικοινωνίας της Σχολής Επιστήμης της Πληροφορίας και Πληροφορικής του Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου. Κατέχει Δίπλωμα Ηλεκτρολόγου Μηχανικού και Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών από την Πολυτεχνική Σχόλη του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών (1989-1994), ενώ το 1999 ανακηρύχθηκε Διδάκτορας από τη Σχολή Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Η/Υ του Εθνικού Μετσόβιου Πολυτεχνείου (ΕΜΠ). Από το 1999 έως το 2001 υπήρξε επιστημονικός συνεργάτης στο ΕΜΠ. Από το 2001 έως και το 2008 εργάστηκε ως Ειδικός Επιστήμονας στην Εθνική Επιτροπή Τηλεπικοινωνιών και Ταχυδρομείων (ΕΕΤΤ). Το 2008 εκλέχθηκε Επίκουρος Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων του ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων, ενώ το 2018 εκλέχθηκε Καθηγητής Α βαθμίδας. Ο Σ. Πολυκαλάς έχει πλέον των 25 ετών εμπειρία σε Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών.
Τα επαγγελματικά και ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα επικεντρώνονται στα ακόλουθα πεδία:
- νομικό και ρυθμιστικό πλαίσιο παροχής υπηρεσιών ηλεκτρονικών επικοινωνιών,
- προσωπικά δεδομένα και ιδιωτικότητα,
- ανάπτυξη ανταγωνισμού στις αγορές ηλεκτρονικών επικοινωνιών,
- μοντέλα τεχνοοικονομικής ανάλυσης,
- χρήση νέων τεχνολογιών στην εκπαίδευση.
O Σπύρος Πολυκαλάς έχει συμμετάσχει σε πολλά ερευνητικά / αναπτυξιακά έργα. Έχει συμμετάσχει στην συγγραφή (co-author) δύο επιστημονικών βιβλίων, ενώ πληθώρα ερευνητικών του εργασιών, στα προαναφερόμενα επιστημονικά πεδία, έχουν δημοσιευθεί σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά και έχουν παρουσιασθεί σε διεθνή επιστημονικά συνέδρια. Το 2021 του απoνεμήθηκε από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Emerald Publishing, το βραβείo “Outstanding Paper of 2020”, για το επιστημονικό του άρθρο με τίτλο “When the mobile app is free the product is your personal data”. Ακολουθούν ενδεικτικές δημοσιεύσεις των τελευταίων ετών:
Επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές
- Leonidas Boutsikaris, Spyros Polykalas, "A Comparative Review of Deep Learning Techniques on the Classification of Irony and Sarcasm in Text", in IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, doi: 10.1109/TAI.2024.3515935, December 2024,
- Androniki Georgopoulou, Spyros E. Polykalas, "The responsibility of digital platforms in relation to the content posted by users: from the E-Commerce Directive to the Digital Service Act", Journal of Law for Technology and Communication, Vol: 3, pp.317-324, 2023.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, George N. Prezerakos, “When the mobile app is free, the product is your personal data“, Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, Vol. 21 Issue: 2, pp.89-101, 2019.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, George N. Prezerakos, Kyriakos G. Vlachos, and Konstantinos Oikonomou, “Introduction to Robotics for Novice Users: A Case Study from Summer Schools in Greece“, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science. CIE (Mar. 2018), 25-29. 2018.
- Christina Charitou, Dimitrios G. Kogias, Spyros E. Polykalas, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, Ioanna Christina Cotoi, “Use of Apps for Crime Reporting and the EU Regulation for data privacy”, Societal Implications of Community- Oriented Policing and Technology, SpringerBriefs in Criminology, 2018.
- Spyros E. Polykalas,“The permanence of constitutional unconstitutionality in the Greek TV market”, Journal of Theory and Practice of Administrative Law, Volume 1/2018, January 2018.
Spyros E. Polykalas, Kyriakos Vlachos,“Information and Communication Technologies Developments in European Union during the Financial Crisis”, Journal of Recent Advances in Communications and Networking Technology, Volume 6, Issues 1, 71-82, 2017. - Spyros E. Polykalas, George N. Prezerakos “Measuring the impact of market competition analysis process in EU׳s electronic communications sector: Catalyst or impediment towards market competition?”, Journal of Telecommunication Policy, Special Issue on New Empirical approaches to telecommunications economics: Opportunities and challenges, Elsevier, Volume 39, Issues 3-4, 241-252, 2015.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, Spyros Troumpetas “Economic Evaluation of a Cruise Ship Dock Marine”, Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, vol. 2, no.1, 2013, 23-39 ISSN: 2241-0998 (print version), 2241-0996(online) Scienpress Ltd, 2013.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, Nikos Th. Nikolinakos, George N. Prezerakos “Wholesale Provision of Broadband Services: Alternative pricing strategies and associated policies”. Info policy journal, Emerald 2012, Vol.14/3, pp. 15-30.
- N. Prezerakos, S. E. Polykalas, “Preconditions for maximizing the impact of fixed number portability on telecommunication competition promotion within EU”, Telecommunication Policy Journal, Elsevier, 31, 2007, pp. 179-196.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, K. G. Vlachos “The case of Broadband: Policies & Strategies for EU Regulation Authorities”. Published on “Info policy journal” (Vol. 8 No 6 2006, pp. 15-30, Emerald Group publishing Limited, ISSN 1463-6697).
- Spyros E. Polykalas, N. T Nikolinakos “Broadband Policy” EU Competition Law and Regulation in the Converging Telecommunications, Media and IT Sectors N. Nikolinakos (editor) Kluwer Law International, April 2006.
- E. Nikiforaki, S.E. Polykalas “Case T-328/2003 of the 2.5.2006: O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG vs. European Commission: A comment”, DiMEE Review 3/2006.
Επιστημονικά συνέδρια με κριτές
- Georgopoulou, A., Tzika, E., & Polykalas, S. (2024, February). "Social Media platforms and GDPR violation for minor users". In Proceeding of the Global Conference on Business, Management and Marketing (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 10-10).
- G. S. Magoulas and S. E. Polykalas, "Access to Personal Data is Still Tempting for Mobile Apps Even after the GDPR Implementation," 2023 8th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM), Piraeus, Greece, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SEEDA-CECNSM61561.2023.10470645.
- Polykalas, S., Sgora, A., Konidaris, A. "Cruise Passengers’ Expenditures in Relation to Satisfaction Levels in a Mediterranean Port of Call", Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism. ICSIMAT 2023. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-51038-0_86
- S. E. Polykalas, K. G. Vlachos and G. N. Prezerakos, "Using Google data for assessing the relation between Covid-19 spread and social distancing," 2022 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), Argostoli, Greece, 2022, pp. 46-51, doi: 10.1109/GIIS56506.2022.9936971.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, "Assessing General Data Protection Regulation for Personal Data Privacy: is the End of “Take it or Leave it” Approach for Downloading Apps?", Proceedings of International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication and Informatics (SOTICS), October 2017, Athens, Greece.
- Christina Charitou, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, Ioana Cristina Cotoi and Spyros E. Polykalas, “Use of apps for Crime Reporting: privacy concerns and protection of personal data”, Proceedings of International Conference of Next Generation Community Policing (NGCP 2017), 2017, Crete, Greece.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, George N. Prezerakos, Froso D. Chrysidou, Eleni D. Pylarinou, "Mobile apps and data privacy: when the service is free, the product is your data", Proceedings of International Conference of Information Intelligence Systems Applications (IISA 2017), August 2017, Larnaca Cyprus.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, Kyriakos Vlachos, George Ellinas, "Technologies and Architectures for Broadband Digital Divide Elimination", Proceedings of 24th International Conference of Telecommunications (ICT 2017), May 2017, Limassol, Cyprus.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, George N. Prezerakos, "Predicting Human Behavior Based on Web Search Activity: Greek Referendum of 2015", Proceedings of INNS Conference on Big Data, October 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, Kyriakos Vlachos “Impact of the financial crisis to the penetration of broadband networks and services within EU”, Proceedings of the International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science (SpliTech), July 2016, Split, Croatia.
- G. Eliopoulos, Spyros Troumpetas, Spyros E. Polykalas, "Evaluation of Greek Legal Framework Regarding Cruise Tourism and Development Prospects" Proceedings of the International Conference of Development and Economy (ICODECON), October 2015, Kalamata, Greece.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, George. N. Prezerakos “Digital Divide and Next Generation Networks deployment in regions with composite terrains: The case of Greece”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Management and Governance (ICBMG), December 2014, Las Vegas, USA.
- Spyros E. Polykalas “Assessing the evolution of the Digital Divide across European Union”, Proceedings of the International Conference of Web & Open Access to Learning (ICWOAL), November 2014, Dubai, UAE.
- Spyros E. Polykalas “Bridging the Digital Divide in island countries – The case of Greece”, Proceedings of the International Conference: e_Case & e_Tech, November 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, George. N. Prezerakos “Implications of the Financial Crisis to the Digital Divide across European Union”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Society (IEEE / i-Society 2014), November 2014, London, UK.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, Dionisis Linardatos, E. A. Giakoumakis “Penetration of services and networks convergence at EU level”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Society (IEEE / i-Society 2014), November 2014, London, UK.
- Spyros E. Polykalas “Digital Divide and Financial Crisis within European Union” Proceedings of the International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences, IRC, September 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, G. N. Prezerakos, A. T. Konidaris “An Algorithm based on Google Trends’ data for future prediction. Case study: German Elections” Proceedings of ISSPIT / IEEE 2013 Conference, December 2013, Athens, Greece.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, Ulrich Stumpf, “Evaluation of Spectrum Rights for Radio Broadcasting Operators”, 12th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society – I3E 2013, Springer Proceedings pp. 141-152, April 2013, Athens, Greece.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, George N. Prezerakos, Agisilaos Konidaris “A general purpose model for future prediction based on web search data: Predicting Greek and Spanish elections” 2013 International Symposium on Mining and Web, March 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
- Spyros E. Polykalas, S. N. Trompetas “Modeling the economic impact of a cruise ship dock – Kefalonia’s cruise ship dock case study” International Symposium on Business Economics and Financial Applications, 1-2 June 2012 (ISBEFA 2012 – ISSN: 2241-2727) Kefalonia, Greece.
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Ταχυδρομική ΔιεύθυνσηΛεωφόρου Αντώνη Τρίτση 1
Κεφαλονιά, Αργοστόλι
ΤΚ 28100
26710 27311