In the context of strengthening the student-centered educational process, as well as the principles of transparency and accountability, a clear complaint and objection management mechanism has been adopted by the Department of Digital Media and Communication. The relevant regulation has been posted in the Regulations menu of the website.
This regulation presents both the complaint management procedures within the Department, which are divided into named and anonymous, and the procedures within the Institution (Student Ombudsman, Gender Equality Committee, and Research Ethics and Deontology Committee).
Additionally, in an effort to continuously improve the operation of the Ionian University in general and to deal more effectively with the issues that concern the academic community in its daily life, the possibility of submitting complaints electronically through a relevant form is made available to all its members. The Ionian University Electronic Complaints Form offers students (at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level), the teaching and administrative staff of the Institution, as well as its visitors, the possibility to point out issues which according to their judgment are subject to changes and improvements in all areas of the Institution's operation at their discretion, and to immediately communicate their observations to the Institution's competent administrative and/or academic unit, thereby contributing to the most efficient possible response on the part of the Ionian University. The form has already been put into operation and is available in Greek and English, on its own independent website with direct access via the web address: