Interactive Website Communication

Teachers: Tsipis Athanasios
Code: NMC104
Type: Compulsory
Level: Postgraduate
Language: Greek
Semester: 1st
Teaching Hours: 3
Objectives - Learning Results:

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to know:

  • To design innovative websites.
  • To design easy-to-use websites.
  • To evaluate websites.
  • To create websites that meet the requirements of the users who use them.
  • To redesign websites.
  • Understand interfaces related to websites.

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is the scientific field that studies the interaction of users with interactive systems such as websites. The purpose of the course focuses on how people through desktop and laptop computers communicate with websites. The user experience (User Experience – UX) which concerns the correct placement of elements for interactive communication is the main pillar that the course examines. Websites are communication tools that present information to users to achieve maximum effect based on their goal. In particular, the course examines the characteristics of the interfaces as well as the interactions supported by websites and correlates them with the presence of mass media, online stores and organizations. Finally, special mention is also made of social media websites.

Grading and Evaluation Methods:

Assignments-Case Study

The evaluation criteria are posted on eClass from the beginning of the semester, while they are explained at regular intervals in the course.

Evaluation Language: Greek

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